Keats Grove Surgery has a Patient Participation Group (PPG). Anyone is welcome to attend.
The meetings will take place every 12 weeks on a Thursday afternoon at 1.30pm until 3.00pm.
Keats Grove Patients Participation Group Constitution
1. Name of Group:
The name of the group will be know as Keats Grove Patient Participation Group (KGPPG)
2. Aims of Keats Grove Patient Participation Group:
To improve communication between the practice and it’s patients in any positive way it can.
The aims of KGPPG is to promote co-operation between the Practice and Patients to the benefit of both.
To promote the highest possible standard of primary medical care through the medium of the KGPPG.
For the practice to listen to patient’s views and implement change where possible.
Membership of the group should be open to all registered patients and staff of the practice over 18 years of age.
Membership of the group shall be terminated in the event of a member ceasing to be a patient or staff of the practice.
4. Activities of the Group:
- The group will consult with the practice on service development and provision and assist in the assessment of the local community medical health needs.
- The group will advise the practice on the education needs of the community by encouraging and supporting activities within the practice to promote preventive medicine and healthy lifestyle choices.
- The group will produce a Newsletter four times a year informing patients of the work of the practice and activities of the group. The Newsletter will be distributed by e- mail if preferred and will be made available in the surgery and on the practice web site.>
- The group will seek to ensure the patient information and advice is readily available and clearly presented.
- The group will represent patients at the practice in seeking to influence local provision of Health & Social care.
Keats Grove Patient Participation Group will be a non-fund raising group
6. Rules of Procedure at Meetings of the Group:
- The group will endeavour to meet no fewer than 4 times a year.
- Notices of meetings and information about KGPPGs activities will be displayed on the notice board in reception and on the surgery’s web page.
- The quorum of the PPG shall be 6 full members including one elected officer.
- Unless otherwise provided herein, all matters shall be determined by a majority vote of all those present. In the event of a tied vote the chairperson shall have a second vote or a casting vote.
- Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of all meetings.
- No discrimination of any kind will be allowed. Anyone found to be discriminate will be asked to leave the group
- Only one member will be allowed to speak at anyone time and a raise of a hand will alert the Chairperson to who wishes to speak next
- The duration of the meetings will be between 1.30pm to 3.00pm prompt.
- No personal matters or grievances will be discussed.
- There shall be an annual general meeting of the Group which shall be held in the month of June in each year or as soon as practicable thereafter.
- Administrative assistance will be provided by staff at the Practice.
7. Elected Members:
Both Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to be elected annually.